
Difference Between OOP and POP

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Diffrece Detween OOP VS POP

POP (Procedure orianted programming) OOP (Object orianted Programming)
Emphasis is on doing things not data Emphasis is on data rather than procedure
Main focus is on the function and procedures that operate on data main focus is on the data that is being operated
Top down approach in program design Bottom Up approach in program design
Large programs are divided into smaller programs known as function Large programs are divided into classes and objects
Most of the funtions share global data Data is tied together with function in the data structure
Data moves openly in the system from one function to another function Data is hidden and cannot be accessed by external functions
Adding of data and funtion in difficult Adding of data and function is easy
Concepts lick inharitace, polymorphism, data encapsulation, abstraction, access specifier are missing Concepts lick inharitace, polymorphism, data encapsulation, abstraction, access specifier available and can be used easily
Example: C, Fortran, Pascal, etc… Example: C++, JAVA, C#, Python, etc…

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